Twelve Ways to Tell the Difference Between Your Sponsor and Your Therapist:

1. Your sponsor isn't all that interested in the "reasons" you used.

2. Your therapist thinks your root problem is your lack of self-esteem and
    your negative self-image. Your sponsor thinks your problem is yourself.

3. Your therapist wants to pamper your inner child. Your sponsor thinks it
    should be spanked.

4. Your sponsor thinks your inventory should be about you, not your

5. Speaking of your parents, your sponsor tells you not to confront them,
    but to make amends to them.

6. The only time your sponsor uses the word "closure" is before the word

7. Your sponsor thinks "boundaries" are things you need to take down, not
    build up.

8. Your therapist wants you to love yourself first; your sponsor wants you
    to love others first.

9. Your therapist prescribes care-taking medication. Your sponsor
    prescribes prayer making and meditation. 

10. Your sponsor thinks "anger management skills" are numbered 1 through 12.

11. Now that you haven't used in 6 months, your therapist thinks you should
      make a list of all your goals and objectives for the next 5 years, starting with finishing  
      up that college degree. Your sponsor thinks you should start today by cleaning coffee pots and
      help him/her carry a heavy box of literature to the jail.

12. Your sponsor will not lose his/her license if he/she talks about God.


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1 Smámynd: Birna Dúadóttir


Birna Dúadóttir, 18.2.2007 kl. 16:11

2 Smámynd: Erna Evudóttir


Erna Evudóttir, 18.2.2007 kl. 17:15

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