Spiritual death
"For us, to use is to die, often in more ways than one."
Basic Text, p.78
As newcomers, many of us came to our first meeting with only a small
spark of life remaining. That spark, our spirit, wants to survive.
Narcotics Anonymous nurtures that spirit. The love of the fellowship
quickly fans that spark into a flame. With the Twelve Steps and the
love of other recovering addicts, we begin to blossom into that
whole, vital human being our Higher Power intended us to be. We begin
to enjoy life, finding purpose in our existence. Each day we choose
to stay clean, our spirit is revitalized and our relationship with
our God grows. Our spirit becomes stronger each day we choose life by
staying clean.
Despite the fact that our new life in recovery is rewarding, the urge
to use can sometimes be overwhelming. When everything in our lives
seems to go wrong, a return to using can seem like the only way out.
But we know what the consequence will be if we use-the loss of our
carefully nurtured spirituality. We have traveled too far along the
spiritual path to dishonor our spirit by using. Snuffing the
spiritual flame we have worked so hard to restore in our recovery is
too dear a price to pay for getting high.
Just for today: I am grateful that my spirit is strong and vital.
Today, I will honor that spirit by staying clean.
pg. 212
Just For Today Daily Meditation is the property of Narcotics
Anonymous ©
Jónína Dúadóttir, 22.7.2008 kl. 12:39
Wow, meirihattar
Erna Evudóttir, 23.7.2008 kl. 06:43
Hvar ertu svo kona
Birna Dúadóttir, 5.8.2008 kl. 07:24
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